Hey Guys and Ghouls,
We’re all set up and ready to go; zombie gnomes, horror masks, zombie heads and more!
Plus there are tons of other cool vendors and guests to check out.
Today is the first day of Fan Expo Toronto and it goes all weekend… we’re gonna be there so come by and chat us up 😉

Considered by many to be the “Comic Con” of Canada, Fan Expo Canada™ humbly began as the Canadian National Comic Book Expo in 1995. Growing from one genre with 1500 fans to a multifaceted show connecting over 90,000 fans, Fan Expo Canada™ is currently the 3rd largest pop culture event in North America!
Timeline and Growth:
1995 – the inaugural Canadian National Comic Book Expo (1,500 fans)
1998 – The Canadian National Anime Expo was added (7,000 fans)
1999 – The Science Fiction Expo is added (9,700 fans)
2004 – Rue Morgue’s “Festival of Fear” Horror expo joins in (28,000 fans)
2005 – Gaming Expo joins the event (40,000 fans)
2006 – rebranded as FAN EXPO CANADA™ featuring Comic, Sci-Fi, Anime, Horror and Gaming (43,000 fans)
The success of Fan Expo Canada™ is not only due to its unique content but also its growing, diverse community.
Now entering its 19th year, Fan Expo Canada™ showcases over 900 exhibitors and sprawls over 750,000 square feet of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre!
see you there!!
-Casper & Sadie