Welcome back Guys and Ghouls!
Its been far to long..
Needless to say our website was long overdue for an overhaul, but hey, No one said there was time spread a worldwide zombie gnome apocalypse AND learn web design :p
So we got help..
Thanks to our good friend Peter from Amagicreative we finally have a beautifully updated website with our own store!!
If ya like the look our site or need any graphic design, web design, video production or animation done get at him: peter@amagicreative.com or http://www.amagicreative.com
Now we can spread the infection directly to you without any need for middlemen/middlewoman, and god knows we don’t need anymore middlemen or middle women :p
Be sure to check back soon as we are still in the process of adding more Zombie Gnomes and undead delights to the shop and we’ve got plenty of exciting new projects in the works for 2015!