Soo… Zombie survival is today’s topic. Ever wonder how to fend off the undead while your down? Rob McAlpine has the answer for you in the form of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu!
Over the summer we had the privilege of vending at the Toronto Runforyourlives event at Burl’s Creek. To say it was an interesting experience would be an understatement; zombies,runners, mud, rain and gale force winds combined to make for an epic outing with the undead. Needless to say, we had a great time and got to meet plenty of awesome people, sell lots of zombie gnomes, give lots of zombie makeup advice and spread the infection a little more while we were at it 😉
Among all of those awesome people we met one stood out in particular as he got us to help him out with making a short instructional video on how to defend yourself against the dead. His name is Robert McAlpine and he is a master of dispatching the undead, you can see more of his videos here: http://www.youtube.com/user/robertwmcalpine?feature=watch
So without further a due, remember: Zombie survival is an essential skill so check it out below…. it may save your life 😉