Hey there guys and ghouls!
It’s been a while since our last update so here’s what’s going on in the Zombie Gnome factory:
We’ve been hibernating over the last few weeks trying to escape the clammy cold grasp of Old Man Winter. For those of you living in warmer climates around the world you may not be aware of him, he’s an evil bastard and he hates Canadians more than most… Something to do with all of us living in his muchly coveted northern hemisphere. Apparently, he’s not much for sharing.. So, for a few months of each year he attempts to make our lives as dreary and miserable as possible through the use of snow, wind, slush, cold weather and the awful small talk of the weather that comes with them..
Needless to say, We don’t much care for him.
So, we’ve been spending as much time as possible indoors working on spreading the infection without freezing it first :p As some of you may have seen on our facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/revenantfx) we’ve completed the first few prototypes of our smaller “Bite Size” Zombie Gnomes. We’re currently just working on smoothing out the final kinks in producing them and then we’ll be selling them along side our full size gnomes.
Also, The Lepracadaver is quickly nearing completion as well. His latex mold is complete and as soon as we get a day of warm enough weather his fiberglass mothermold will be made and the castings of him will begin 🙂
Lastly, We got to make our first few Infected Apparel t-shirts this week. The trails and tribulations of learning to silk screen have been a non-stop uphill battle but we’re learning a little more with each attempt. More news to come on the t-shirt front soon… In the mean time though, here’s a little preview of some future designs.
Hope you enjoy and feel free to comment, share, inquire and as always;
Spread The Infection!!
Till next time,